Structural Diagnostics

We intervene on all types of buildings requiring a structural diagnosis to understand the origin of disorders or damages or as part of a rehabilitation, elevation, or transformation project of the existing building.

diagnostic structure sur tous batiments
ingénieur réalisant un diagnostic sur une structure

We have our own human and material resources to conduct reconnaissance, inspection, drilling, sampling, and analysis of all types of existing structures.

We also have a wide range of non-destructive testing devices such as Georadar or Ferroscan, corrosion measurement profometers, sonic inspection devices, ultrasonic thickness measurement, etc.

We also address the issues of construction material pathology impacting the stability of existing buildings in partnership with specialized analysis laboratories.

Since the company’s creation in 2010, we have supported many photovoltaic actors in verifying the stability of existing structures (metal, wood, or reinforced concrete buildings) as part of studies for roof modification and solar panel installation.
Our skills in modeling and structural calculation also allow us to verify the stability of existing structures in projects that impact permanent or operational loads.
Our expertise in project management and execution design allows us to better advise you from the diagnostic phase in the project’s best interest.
We optimize the volume of investigations to be conducted and ensure continuity between the diagnostic and study phases in the project’s technical-economic interest. This approach also improves the management of construction uncertainties during the work phase.

Our Structural Diagnosis projects

Rehabilitation and Elevation of the Dolomieu Institute – Grenoble (38)


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,

Béton, Métal

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Execution,

Concrete, Metal

Rehabilitation and Elevation of the Dolomieu Institute – Grenoble (38)


Extensive rehabilitation of a 3 window type structure in Marseille


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Instrumentation

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Monitoring

Wood, Masonry work

Extensive rehabilitation of a 3 window type structure in Marseille


Assessment & restoration of an old 19th-Centurybuilding to address structural hazards – Aubagne (13)


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre,

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management,

Concrete, Masonry work

Assessment & restoration of an old 19th-Centurybuilding to address structural hazards – Aubagne (13)

AXIOLIS was commissioned to conduct a complete project management mission in the context of difficulties impacting the hazardous building at 21 Rue...

Diagnostic Stability of Eiffel-Type Metal Framework – Covered Market Hall of Beausoleil


Diagnostic Stability of Eiffel-Type Metal Framework – Covered Market Hall of Beausoleil

The Market Hall in the city of Beausoleil is a covered space with an area of 950 square meters, serving as the venue for the city's municipal...

Structural diagnosis of floors and facades of the Hélio Marin Center in Vallauris.



Béton, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses,


Structural diagnosis of floors and facades of the Hélio Marin Center in Vallauris.

The Hélio Marin Centre in Vallauris is a specialized rehabilitation center that specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological...

Historic structure reconstruction Marseille’s downtown – Former post office building


Diagnostic, Exécution,


Structural diagnoses, Execution,


Historic structure reconstruction Marseille’s downtown – Former post office building

The former Post Office building, located at 19 Henri Barbusse Street in Marseille's first district, was built in 1938 by architect Auguste Marie...

Structural Assessment on Listed Monument – Luxury Hermès Boutique in Paris




Structural diagnoses,


Structural Assessment on Listed Monument – Luxury Hermès Boutique in Paris

The high-end Hermès store in Paris, which is located on the site of the former Lutetia swimming pool, was looking for a more elegant and warm...

Rehabilitation of a building in Marseille to ensure emergency exit safely


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Execution,


Rehabilitation of a building in Marseille to ensure emergency exit safely

Affected by the serious and imminent danger and evacuated in December 2018, the building showed pathologies of disengagement in the rear adjoining...