
The mastery of rehabilitation challenges is one of our specialties! It is both a meaningful job given the environmental issues, and it allows us to leverage our versatility and the complementarity of our professions.

axiolis bureau detude structure sur existant pour rehabilitation
mise en place de structure stabilisante pour facade et rehabilitation dimmeible

Our ability to intervene on existing structures in diagnostic or expertise operations, being both a study office and having our own human and material diagnostic resources, allows us to approach rehabilitation operations uniquely.

We find in each city and region specificities in terms of construction arrangements and materials of the existing built heritage: “3 windows” buildings in Marseille, slag walls in the Lyon region, timber-framed buildings in Paris, Italian balconies in the Nice region. We have the technical skills and know-how to handle this diversity.

We are able, with our teams, to investigate existing structures to provide the most precise hypotheses regarding their stability, in order to propose pragmatic and optimized technical-economic solutions for rehabilitation work.

We support you on all types of rehabilitation, extension, elevation projects for residential, commercial, industrial buildings, public establishments, etc.

Our missions involve projects of all sizes, from underpinning for the opening of load-bearing walls in individual housing to major rehabilitation operations, whether in design or execution phases with construction companies.

We are also involved in large-scale design/build projects with the major French construction companies.

Nos projets de réhabilitation

Rehabilitation and extension of the Technopolitain site – Creusot (71)


Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,


Project management, Execution,

Concrete, Metal

Rehabilitation and extension of the Technopolitain site – Creusot (71)


Rehabilitation and Elevation of the Dolomieu Institute – Grenoble (38)


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,

Béton, Métal

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Execution,

Concrete, Metal

Rehabilitation and Elevation of the Dolomieu Institute – Grenoble (38)


Extensive rehabilitation of a 3 window type structure in Marseille


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Instrumentation

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Monitoring

Wood, Masonry work

Extensive rehabilitation of a 3 window type structure in Marseille


Assessment & restoration of an old 19th-Centurybuilding to address structural hazards – Aubagne (13)


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre,

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management,

Concrete, Masonry work

Assessment & restoration of an old 19th-Centurybuilding to address structural hazards – Aubagne (13)

AXIOLIS was commissioned to conduct a complete project management mission in the context of difficulties impacting the hazardous building at 21 Rue...

Rehabilitation and extension of the nautical stadium in Antibes, Côte d’Azur Southern France


Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,

Béton, Bois

Project management, Execution,

Rehabilitation and extension of the nautical stadium in Antibes, Côte d’Azur Southern France

The restructuring includes converting the diving pit into an Olympic-sized pool with 8 lanes (50m x 20m), renovating the existing Olympic pool,...

Historic structure reconstruction Marseille’s downtown – Former post office building


Diagnostic, Exécution,


Structural diagnoses, Execution,


Historic structure reconstruction Marseille’s downtown – Former post office building

The former Post Office building, located at 19 Henri Barbusse Street in Marseille's first district, was built in 1938 by architect Auguste Marie...

Rehabilitation of a building in Marseille to ensure emergency exit safely


Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,

Bois, Maçonnerie

Structural diagnoses, Project management, Execution,


Rehabilitation of a building in Marseille to ensure emergency exit safely

Affected by the serious and imminent danger and evacuated in December 2018, the building showed pathologies of disengagement in the rear adjoining...