All Axiolis' projects for :
Building envelope renovation

Building envelope renovation

Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Instrumentation
Bois, Maçonnerie
Structural diagnoses, Project management, Monitoring
Wood, Masonry work
Extensive rehabilitation of a 3 window type structure in Marseille

Structural diagnosis of floors and facades of the Hélio Marin Center in Vallauris.
The Hélio Marin Centre in Vallauris is a specialized rehabilitation center that specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological...

Diagnostic, Maîtrise d'œuvre, Exécution,
Bois, Maçonnerie
Structural diagnoses, Project management, Execution,
Rehabilitation of a building in Marseille to ensure emergency exit safely
Affected by the serious and imminent danger and evacuated in December 2018, the building showed pathologies of disengagement in the rear adjoining...