Structural diagnosis of floors and facades of the Hélio Marin Center in Vallauris.


Client :

Ugecam PACA


Nature du projet :



Lieu :

Vallauris (06)


Nature du système constructif :

agence bureau detude Axiolis

22 000 m²





various tests



Invasive tests



load-bearing capacity calculations

Structural analysis of the Hélio Marin center's floors and facades

The Hélio Marin Centre in Vallauris is a specialized rehabilitation center that specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological problems, as well as amputations. It was planned as a sanatorium based on the principle of stepped terraces, providing patients maximum exposure to the sun, and was built in 1934 as part of the architectural heritage of 20th-century institutions.

This unique concrete structure, with its tiered system of G+7 levels housing belvedere chambers and three basement levels, has undergone significant modifications throughout time that are unconnected to the original construction.

Nos missions et métiers 
réalisés sur ce projet

As part of the restoration project, Axiolis intervened on an occupied site to do a full structural diagnosis:
Invasive Testing and Assessment: There were 146 invasive surveys, core samples, rebar sampling, and 12 SATTEC tests performed.
Concrete compressive strength, density, and tensile tests are performed on samples.
More than 58 load-bearing capability zones have been calculated, including fire stability studies.
Expansion of existing openings in load-bearing walls.
Axiolis also performed a thorough examination of the Center's facades in order to find the best way to renovate:
Destructive surveys were conducted in 21 zones.
Sample Analyses: 15 Karsten pipe tests for assessing porosity, 12 SEM observations, and 15 SATTEC tests.
Identification of structural problems and repair recommendations.

Helio Marin Center overall view before rehabilitation
Helio Marin Center structure and facades
Fire resistance calculation for the Helio Marin Center
Engineer at the Helio Marin Center performing a core drilling survey to assess the floor slab
Destructive soil sampling at the Helio Marin Center
Destructive soil investigations at the Helio Marin Center
Destructive investigations of areas at the Helio Marin Center
Analysis of core samples at the Helio Marin Center

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