Diagnostic Stability of Eiffel-Type Metal Framework – Covered Market Hall of Beausoleil


Client :

City of Beausoleil


Nature du projet :

Feasibility Diagnostic


Lieu :

Beausoleil (06) Southern of France


Nature du système constructif :

agence bureau detude Axiolis

250 m2





tensile tests



Inspection points



Invasive tests

Stability Diagnosis of an Eiffel-Type Metal Framework Beausoleil, Covered Market Hall

The Market Hall in the city of Beausoleil is a covered space with an area of 950 square meters, serving as the venue for the city’s municipal market.

Distinctly featuring an Eiffel-type metal framework, the Beausoleil Market Hall is part of an overarching plan aimed at a full-scale renovation of the building to improve the existing municipal market.

The Beausoleil City Council issued a public tender for an assessment of the existing structural integrity, ahead of any renovation works. This was won by the company Axiolis.

Our involvement was focused on evaluating the stability of the structure and determining any potential reinforcement needs, considering the scope of the renovation work planned.

The renovation plan for the Beausoleil Market Hall includes altering the skylight, bringing the metal framework into compliance—especially in accordance with snow and wind standards—modifying elements that hang from it, and refurbishing the façades. Ultimately, the hall will be divided into three separate sections, complemented by an area dedicated to technical annexes at the end of the building.

Nos missions et métiers 
réalisés sur ce projet

The first step involved a structural diagnosis of the Eiffel-type framework. This required carrying out a reconnaissance campaign, a technical analysis of the existing structures' mechanical strength, identifying any cracks or structural deformities, and establishing the building's structural features. This diagnostic mission notably resulted in a visual diagnostic photo report, a survey of the framework's geometry, and steel sampling for laboratory analysis to determine its nature.

Based on the information collected on-site and the results from lab tests, Axiolis then modeled the structure and examined its behavior according to existing standards.
It was also necessary to ensure that the existing structure's vulnerability to earthquakes was not worsened as part of the renovation work, given the seismic risks in this region.
Strengthening measures and underpinning solutions were required to bring the structure into compliance and to meet the requirements of the renovation program.
In this final phase, Axiolis' added value was in designing reinforcement solutions that take into account the operational constraints and economic considerations of the project.

Eiffel Type Metal Framework south of France
Destructive testing of the metal components of an Eiffel type framework in the market hall of Beausoleil, southern France
Evaluation of the strength of metal structures
Inspection of an Eiffel tower structure for structural defects

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