Our values
Piliers fondateurs de notre quotidien
Principes d'actions

The Axiolis values, which were co-created by the team, underline the attitudes and behaviors that we seek to embrace on a daily basis with our colleagues, clients, and partners. These four values are made up of two pairs, each of which is divided into five action principles.

1. Understand How to Take a Step Back.
We make every effort to step back and fully comprehend the context and each project, as well as the implications of our actions.
2. Always try new things.
We enjoy changing our topics within the same year and going on to completely different projects over time.
3. Develop your versatility.
We all want to learn new skills and gain autonomy, reflecting the company’s spirit.
4. Accept Reality:
We remember that development is made via both anticipation and initiative… all in the service of our clients.
5. Quand il faut y aller, on y va !
Nous gardons en tête que l’évolution passe autant par l’anticipation que par notre goût de l’allant et de l’initiative… Au service de nos clients.

6. Together united.
Everyone is allowed to seek assistance; they also know how to accept it. And everyone is still willing to help one another. Helping a coworker comes naturally and doing it in a group setting is enjoyable.
7. Seek authenticity.
We strive for genuine honesty and openness. Rather than closing off, we learn to welcome and communicate our emotions.
8. Have faith in the group’s strength.
We make an effort to listen to others’ perspectives and make decisions collectively. To safeguard the collective, each of us cultivates curiosity about others for the benefit of all. Even the most reserved will feel welcome from the start.
9. Personal desire for growth.
We learn how to relate to each other: coworker, partner, and client. We learn to own our faults and talk frankly in order to facilitate (personal and collective) growth.
10. Cultivate Our Diversity.
We intend to take a step towards the other, welcoming the differences of newcomers. Each individual offers new potential; they may favorably surprise us and, at times, even themselves.
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